Keren Yaakov Moshe

Keren Yaakov Moshe was established in memory of a man who was known by all as a “sar hachesed”. Rabbi Yaakov Moshe HaKohen Friedman z’l, dedicated his life to helping a fellow Jew. His acts of kindness and compassion are legendary and began when he was just a young man in war-torn Europe, where he enabled thousands of Jews to emigrate to freedom with selfless mesiras nefesh and heroism at great personal cost. 

Who in Crown Heights or Borough Park has not been witness to his countless acts of kindness on a daily basis at home, in shul or even on "Rabbi Friedman's line" in the bank? It was therefore fitting for the family to establish a free loan fund in his memory, so that his life’s work would continue unabated.

Baruch Hashem, the gemach has met with much success and if you are one of the supporters who have sent in a donation for this fund, we wish to thank you again at this time. We are pleased to report that many people, including several shluchim, have already benefited greatly from the gemach.

In honor of the first Yahrzeit on 10 Nissan, the family has expanded on this concept and has established a separate fund, Yad L’Shliach, which will help shluchim in a very unique way and which will enable all anash and all shluchim to contribute as well.

Thank you for being part of Yad L'Shliach!